Basketball Pet Peeves Vol. 1

Basketball Pet Peeves Vol. 1

Everyone has a few things that get under their skin easily. Personally, I can’t stand it when people smack their gum, chew with their mouth open, or even talk excessively loud. Being around basketball for so long, you start to pick up on some things that irritate you so much that you can’t help but say something. Here are just practices that make my skin crawl during a basketball game.

  1. Not boxing out

You would think boxing out is a fundamental skill that they teach at the young level. In all honesty, it is, but what happened? What happened to put a body on somebody? My dad used to always say, “if you can’t feel them, you are not boxing out for real.” People lose games by being outrebounded and if you put your body on somebody's almost every possession, your chances of winning are increased by 50% in my eyes.

  1. Not talking on the floor

This irritates me, even more, when a team can be best friends off the court but on the court, they act like they don’t know each other. I’ve seen firsthand how the team will have a full-on cipher during the car ride to the game and still go mute when it is time for someone to step up and be a leader on the court. Every team needs a leader. It is not just the captain’s job to speak up. Calling out the screens, asking who’s got ball, or even telling you’re your teammate to watch back door is a mutual job that every player signs up for when they step on the court. A lot of mistakes can be fixed by simply speaking up.

  1. Settling for jumpers when you’re OBVIOUSLY having an off day

This might be my biggest pet peeve. No matter if you are a team that averages a field goal percentage of 65% when the shot is not falling… IT SIMPLY JUST ISN’T FALLING. I am not saying stop taking shots completely but why keep settling? Drive the ball and get a quick 2 points or even draw a foul. If a team keeps relying on their three-point shot and they continue to miss, the other team can easily go on a 12-0 run. DIVE THE BALL. DRAW THE FOUL. Here, you limit the chances of the opposing team going on and help stop your team from feeling defeated.

Over the years, I have seen many ranked teams and athletes fail to do these things. Everything on this list can change the trajectory of a game. I am a sideline coach and referee every time I attend a game. Nine times out of ten… you will hear me yell these out a few times a game. What are some of your basketball pet peeves?


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